Graduation & Promotion Requirements
Promotion from grade to grade is based on credits earned.
Each class represents one (1) credit as follows:
Entering Grade 9 – students are assigned 5 required classes + 2 School District mandated mathematics and English classes
Promotion to 10th grade – 5 credits
Promotion to 11th grade – 11 credits
Promotion to 12th grade – 17.5 credits or sufficient number of credits to reach 27. 5 by the end of 12th grade
A passing grade at the high school level is described as a “D” or higher (65) or higher.
A 12th grade student will graduate if she/he has:
Earned a total of 27.5 credits which includes:
4 – English
3 – Mathematics
3 – Science
3 – Social Studies
1 – African American History
2 – World Language
2 – Arts and Humanities
1 – Physical Education
5 – Health
6 – Vocational Program (3 years/2 credits each year)
If the student passes the re-exam, the student is permitted to graduate.
Because of the high standards and increased graduation requirements of the School District of Philadelphia, there are no “spare” courses in the curriculum. All students must pass or make up in an approved summer school every course in which they are enrolled. Students failing their vocational shop are returned to their neighborhood school. Any student who does not make up every course failure will be retained in grade until all course work is made up with a passing grade. Making up failed courses is especially important because students may miss special school activities, such as the prom or other dances/trips, if they remain “out of book.”
Even though school personnel will always do their best to keep students informed of these situations, parents and students also must realize that failures need to be dealt with immediately.
In order to be promoted into 11th grade, a student must be able to graduate from Mastbaum the June of the following year by taking courses offered. If the child needs additional course work in the summer to meet graduation requirements, he/she will be retained in grade until that course work is made up.